Quiet And Obedient Dogs

Quiet and obedient dogs

In the following article you will learn all about those quiet and obedient dogs, ideal for staying in small or large spaces and for living with your family.

If you have decided to get a pet, a dog to be exact, it is essential that you evaluate your lifestyle to choose the companion that best suits your needs. If you have children, you are an active and energetic person, if you spend a lot of time outside the home or if your home is large or small, these are all elements that can determine the choice of one dog over another.

Big dogs, quiet dogs?

Contrary to what it may seem, some large dogs can boast a quiet and obedient character.

The Saint Bernard falls into this category. Although in some movies he has been portrayed as quite the opposite, this furry and adorable dog is extremely quiet, and most of all very inactive. He is easy to train due to his intelligence, and is gifted with great patience with children.

Another quiet and obedient giant is the Great Dane, although this breed does need large spaces (despite the Great Dane itself not recognizing it). They are adorable with children, have a calm disposition and do little physical activity.

A medium and balanced dog?


Labrador Retrievers, although they were initially used in the countryside, have over time been adopted as pets. They possess a balanced character, are noble and cunning.

The greyhounds, although for a long time have been used as racing dogs, dogs are extremely adaptable. They are very obedient and quiet, and can enjoy life indoors as well as walks in the fresh air. All this of course following an adequate education from an early age, which will determine their future behavior.

The Basset Hound is very often adopted to be kept indoors. Despite being a short dog, he makes up for stature with an elongated body. He is very easy to train and features a calm nature, although he cannot help but inspect and smell everything around him.

The Shar Pei is a sturdy dog ​​characterized by an incredible level of independence. If you have to spend long days away from home often, this is your ideal dog. It is docile and is also able to infect everyone with its tranquility. It is indeed an excellent companion dog.

Even English or French Bulldogs will fit in wonderfully within the family. Many consider them to be lazy dogs who dislike, if not hate, physical activity. Because of their brachycephalic skull, Bulldogs can’t stand the heat very much, so 30 minutes of exercise will be enough.

Small and calm dogs?


The Pug is a very small dog that can benefit many people who live in a small space and don’t have much time to take the dog for a walk. Like the Bulldogs, they are not an exercise-loving breed, and they are docile and loving.

The Pekingese presents itself as a real dilemma as it is considered by some to be a quiet dog, and by others quite the opposite. Although it cannot be denied that he has a strong character with apparent hyperactivity, with good training from a puppy he can turn into a quiet dog. The main reason he was included on this list is that he is content to be taken for a walk a few times.

And the mestizos?

As already mentioned above, the behavior of a dog in adulthood is closely linked to the attention and education we give him as children. Any dog, if well trained, is capable of following instructions, and by having your dog do an exercise routine that suits his size and energy, you can get the quiet and obedient dog you are looking for. You will also offer the opportunity to the thousands of dogs waiting in the kennels to be adopted and find a family. Don’t waste this opportunity!

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