Curiosities About Cats

Curiosities about cats

For some , cats are fascinating animals that never cease to surprise: here are some curiosities about these elegant felines that will not leave you indifferent.

Cats can drink sea water

Unlike the kidney system of humans, that of cats is able to filter sea water, separating it from the salt contained in it and using it to hydrate their body. Normally cats, like most animals, prefer to drink fresh water and take part of the liquid present in their food to hydrate.

However, when that’s not enough, they don’t hesitate to drink from a salty source – luckily their kidneys are salt-proof!

Cats cannot feel sweet tastes

Some scholars are convinced that it is a mutation of one of the main taste receptors, which prevents these cats from perceiving the taste of sugar. Others, however, think that this is the result of an evolutionary process that has allowed cats to focus their eating habits solely and exclusively on the consumption of meat.


Some cats have thumbs

Although it is not a real thumb (with functions similar to ours), sometimes these animals have an extra finger.

One more curiosity about cats: these animals sweat through the pads on their paws.

Hair in the ears

Cats have, in addition to the normal and typical fur of felines, a special woolly hair, inside the ears, which helps them to isolate and filter direct sounds.

Cats are able to hear dolphins

It has not been scientifically proven, but cats are thought to hear dolphins. This is due to the fact that felines are able to pick up ultrasound (a technique they use to hunt rodents), a system similar to that used by dolphins to communicate with each other.

Distinctive marks on the nose

The streaks of cats’ noses are unique and unrepeatable, like a fingerprint: each cat has its own and that is why observing their nose is a good way to recognize them.

Blind spot

Cats can’t see within an inch of their nose … or even under it! Because of this “blind spot”, therefore, they often fail to see the food you put in front of them.

Feline science and inspiration

It was the scientist Isaac Newton who invented the cat flap (the special door for cats), after his cat, Spithead, opening the door to exit, had let the light into the room where Newton was working, thus blowing his experiments on light.

Likewise, Nicola Tesla got an inspiration regarding his studies on electricity when his poor cat, Macak, took an electric shock through his fur.

Cats also dream


Cats have the ability to dream and, in fact, they usually begin to dream after the first week of life.

Also, freshly anti kittens sleep a lot more than adult cats, as their bodies only produce the growth man during sleep, so it is vitally important to let them rest. Adult cats, on the other hand, do not produce any special hormones while they are sleeping.

Sweet sleep

Cats, like most felines, burn a lot of energy when they are awake, so they need to recover by sleeping for many hours. It has been calculated, in fact, that these animals sleep so much that a cat that lives an average of nine years spends only three when awake.

The benefits of sterilization

On average, neutered or spayed cats live two to three years longer than those who have not undergone any of these treatments.

Each has its own tastes

Although it may seem somewhat strange, male cats have a mania for licking their left paws, while female cats prefer to lick their right ones.

The most common names

Here are the most common names with which cats are usually baptized: in the case of males, the most common name is Tom, while for cats the names Molly and Regina (with their respective variants in other languages).

Cat eyes

The eyes of cats are special: they have, in fact, a third eyelid, also called a nictitating membrane, which is generally visible only when cats get sick and is associated with Haw syndrome.

Candid Siamese

Some Russian scholars discovered, in 1930, that Siamese kittens  that were kept in a very heated place did not develop the dark spots that characterize this breed.

Wonderful evolution

Apparently cats, during their evolution, have been able to change their tone of voice in order to communicate with humans.

The natural voice level of cats would be absolutely inaudible to humans, however these cats are able to express feelings, such as affection and fear, or need, such as hunger, through a tone of voice that people can hear. Some scholars believe that cats have learned this kind of behavior in order to establish a bond with humans.

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