Special Air Fresheners For Homes With Pets

When it comes to choosing one of these special deodorants for homes with pets, care must be taken to avoid the presence of chemical compounds that are toxic to animals.
Special deodorants for homes with pets

As strict as we can be when it comes to cleaning and spend several hours a week dusting and mopping floors, there is no doubt that, in the presence of pets, the house never gives off the aroma we would like to smell. . The good news is that there are special deodorants that spread perfume wherever you want. Read this article to find out more.

The problem of odors in the home with pets

If you have any pets, you will certainly know what it means to have finished cleaning the house and then realize that, however, odors that are not entirely pleasant from your dog remain (even after you have just given them a bath). The fact is that animals give off certain odors, particularly strong, which are not so easy to cover or eliminate.

The famous “dog smell” is stronger when it rains and your pet got wet. Or after a walk in the park during which he has played numerous games or established contacts with his friends. And if we have a yard or a garden and let our pet sleep inside the house during the night, the situation is even worse … Sometimes, opening the windows to air the environment is not really enough.

Your personal items (such as blankets, mattresses or toys) can give off strong odors, but we cannot wash them every day. They too produce unpleasant odors, which are added to those emitted by the animal’s own body.

To keep a pet home fragrant, you need special deodorants

And, of course, we cannot forget a rather unpleasant situation that occurs especially when our pets are still small: the fact that they urinate or defecate in some corner of the house. This also generates an unpleasant odor that prevents us from enjoying certain environments, as much as we can clean them thoroughly. It always seems that the floor always remains a little impregnated with this “fragrance”.

Are air fresheners the solution in homes with pets?

As a first measure, we must take into account the fact that air fresheners do not clean or disinfect, but only cover the odor present in the environment. If we are responsible for cleaning the house it may be enough, but, in some cases, they do not allow us to perceive the real smells that are present.

In addition, you must be very careful with the products you use to eliminate pet odors, because often the chemicals they contain are harmful to the health of animals (and people).

Air fresheners are available in the form of sprays, candles, oils or diffusers. Most of them contain toxic ingredients and inhalation alone is sufficient to cause harmful effects.

For example, by spraying a household spray, you have no way of knowing exactly where the particles of the product are falling: drinking trough, bed, toys, food bowl, carpet, floor … Pets lick and smell everything they find. in front of him, eventually becoming intoxicated. Symptoms may be subtle, but if these events are repeated every day they could cause dangerous reactions.

preparing your own special home fresheners is easier than you think

Furthermore, it is also necessary to pay attention to the so-called “natural deodorants” prepared with essential oils. These products, theoretically harmless to our health and that of our pets, can actually cause allergies, poisoning and other problems, especially in cats.

Special deodorants for homes with pets

The good news is that special air fresheners for homes with pets have recently been put on sale. These products are free of chemicals and contain ingredients that are not harmful to animals.

However, in case you do not have confidence in this kind of substances, you always have the possibility to prepare your own deodorants. All you have to do is mix some dried flowers and place them in a bowl, or place slices of citrus fruits (lemon, orange or grapefruit) in different places in the house.

Sure, their aroma won’t be as strong as that of air fresheners you can buy in a store, but, in return, they won’t poison your pets. Finally, we recommend that, if you have a dog or a cat at home, to open the windows to ventilate the room daily (or at least every two days) and to allow their personal items, when not in use, to be aired.

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