The Dog’s First Walks

The first walks of the dog

When deciding to adopt a new pet, usually a puppy is chosen. There are animals that remain in cages all day, as in the case of hamsters, rabbits and parrots; animals that go around the house, such as cats, and animals that have to be taken for a walk several times a day: this is the case with dogs. But a puppy cannot be taken for a walk outside the home if it has not been previously educated and prepared. Dogs must be vaccinated and educated before they are taken out for the first time. For this reason, we explain how to manage the first dog walks.

Why do you have to walk your dog?

Taking the dog for a walk is a fundamental exercise for its education and socialization. You should initially take him out whenever you can, until he learns to control his physiological needs. Once you have learned this mechanism, you have to take him out three times a day and, at least once a week, go on a walking tour with him.

What do you need to know before going for a walk for the first time?

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Before you go for a walk outside for the first time, your new dog will need to be at least 3 months old and vaccinated.

Whenever you go out for a walk, you must always bring a leash, since, for dogs, the leash is mandatory for going out on the street, in the gardens and in the common areas of inhabited centers. In addition, he must be able to respond to basic commands, such as: “sit”, “here”, “come” and “down”. “Come” is an order that is very useful for walking the street with the dog. Our little friend has to walk with his head at the height of the owner’s knee and get used to changes in speed. It is not the owner who has to go at the speed of the dog, but the opposite. If this does not happen, the dog will be unmanageable and it will be impossible to keep him at bay during walks.
Walking with a leash is another fundamental exercise. To begin with, you need to get your puppy used to wearing the collar around the house. Once he gets used to it, you have to take him to a place devoid of any possible source of distraction, and make sure that he follows his owner, using the leash and forcing the dog to walk on the left side, at the knee, to prevent the puppy to surpass his master.

How to educate the dog to be able to take him for a walk?


To begin canine education, family members must agree on a common language to use to communicate with the dog. The important thing is that only one word is associated with each order: dogs do not understand synonyms.

The second important aspect concerns non-verbal communication, in particular the voice and caresses. The voice must be serious and decisive, because in this way authority is expressed. A high-pitched or insecure voice can make your dog nervous or cause him to disobey. Caresses have different meanings, depending on the part of the body in which they are carried out: a caress on the head indicates authority, on the neck it is an expression of affection, under the neck it is a compliment from the teacher to the pupil, on the back it expresses encouragement and on the belly transmits tranquility to the puppy. It is important to know how to use caresses properly, so as not to confuse the dog: if used well, the dog will feel loved and will obey its owners.

Overall, the orders to be given to dogs should be short and concise. To train the dog, the process must be daily and constant : it must last between 10 and 15 minutes a day, so that the animal does not get too tired, but it must be done every day, until it is fully educated. To ensure that your puppy’s education is consistent, you shouldn’t move on to another exercise if the previous one has not yet been learned by the animal. So, while it may be boring, it is best to end the session with an exercise that is easy to perform or that the dog has already learned, to avoid that he can experience a feeling of defeat. In addition, you must try to be honest with the dog: do not unnecessarily lengthen the sessions, do not punish him unfairly and play with him at the end of each training session.

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