Types Of Squirrels: Characteristics And Differences

Types of squirrels: characteristics and differences

Squirrels are so nice and loved that, over the years, they have become the protagonists of comics and cartoons, conquering young and old. Few people know it but, usually, with the term “squirrel” we indicate a series of species that have small but significant differences. If you want to find out the most common types of squirrels , don’t miss the following article.

Squirrel: taxonomy and physical characteristics

The squirrel is a small rodent mammal, belonging to the Sciuridae family , which includes about 500 species. They are present on all continents, with the exception of Australia and Antarctica. They are strong and hardy animals, whose bodies are prepared to survive climate change and adversity.

These rodents have an average size, with a height of about 30 centimeters and abundant fur, in shades ranging from brown to red. Their body is light and thin, allowing them to gain speed without losing dexterity. They have very strong legs, equipped with sharp nails with which they can scratch the ground and, therefore, collect fruits and seeds.

One of their most striking physical features is their long tail, which is striking at first sight. It is covered with a voluptuous fur which gives it a “soft” look. In fact, an adult squirrel’s tail measures almost the same size as its own body and can exceed 25 centimeters in length.

We must emphasize that such a tail plays a fundamental role in the life of squirrels. Its main function is to allow these rodents to stabilize when they run and stand on two legs. In addition, it also helps improve the running quality and speed of these animals, as well as optimize jumps between trees.

The four most popular types of squirrels

As we have already anticipated, to date about 500 different species of squirrels are known, distributed throughout the planet. Here we will look at the 4 most important types:

Common squirrel ( Sciurus vulgaris )

Also known as the red squirrel, it lives mainly in the forests of Europe. It has an elongated and light body , measuring between 20 and 30 centimeters. As for the weight, it can vary from 18 to 36 grams. The tail is very long, with the characteristic soft fur. A beautiful reddish color is highlighted throughout its coat , which explains its alternative name.

a red squirrel on the snow

This species is also distinguished by its excellent eyesight, as well as the ability to dive under cold water. Maintains an omnivorous diet consisting mainly of seeds, sprouts, pine nuts, buds and red fruits. When food is scarce, squirrels can also consume small invertebrate animals.

The common squirrel  does not hibernate, but retains the habit of stockpiling food before winter arrives. In this way, it guarantees nutrition for itself and the family and can save energy to maintain the right level of body temperature.

Currently, the common squirrel is not endangered, although its population is declining. Originally, there were more than 40 subspecies of red squirrels across Europe. At the moment we can only find 23.

Chipmunk ( Tamias striatus )

Also called chipmunk, eastern chipmunk , this squirrel is one of the most popular species . They are the specimens that most often appear in cartoons and children’s films. They mainly inhabit the forests of North America, where they are known simply as chipmunks .

They are smaller but more robust than red squirrels and measure between 14 and 19 centimeters, with an average weight of 100 grams. Their body exhibits black and cream stripes interspersed with each other; they have a pointed skull, with small rounded ears.

a chipmunk type squirrel on a branch

It is one of the types of squirrels that hibernate. Their sleep lasts from October to April. They maintain diurnal habits and live mostly on the ground, although they usually climb trees to forage for food. They dig small caves in the earth, making shallow holes that are mainly used to stow acorns and other food.

Siberian chipmunk ( Tamias sibiricus )

Also known as the Siberian squirrel, this species lives in countries such as China, Japan, Korea and even some areas of central Russia. However, it has spread to most of Europe thanks to some specimens introduced in the Old Continent as pets, but then escaped.

The Korean squirrel has dark and white (black or brown) stripes on its back and its body measures 18 to 25 centimeters; reaches a weight between 50 and 150 grams.

a Siberian squirrel seen in profile

This third type of squirrel also has diurnal habits and spends long hours on the ground, but eventually climbs trees to feed. These are solitary animals that usually seek companionship only with the arrival of winter. Their diet is based on the consumption of fruit, berries, seeds, shrubs and small animals. As you can see from the photo, their tails are not quite as bushy as the common squirrel and chipmunk specimens  .

California ground squirrel ( Spermophilus beecheyi )

We close this review dedicated to the types of squirrels that you need to know, talking about the California terricolous. These squirrels are distinguished by their high sociability and almost always live in groups or pairs. Not surprisingly, they are very often adopted and kept indoors as pets in many countries. However, they need a lot of care in order to maintain optimal health.

They are sturdy squirrels that measure between 25 and 30 centimeters and have a body weight that can range from 450 grams to 1 kg. The color of their fur has shades of brown, which also continues on the very long tail. One of the most typical characteristics of this squirrel is the ability to use the internal pockets of the mouth to stow food. A little bit what happens with hamsters.

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