Why Cats Like To Throw Things On The Ground

Because cats like to throw things on the ground

If you live with a cat, you will certainly have asked yourself this question several times and have formulated more than one hypothesis to solve the riddle. What are the reasons why cats like to throw things on the ground? In this article we give you some answers about it.

A feline behavior that can destroy precious elements of the house

It goes without saying that the main characteristic of our feline friends is to live life as they love most regardless of what they are told. And this is one of the reasons why we love them and even envy them.

However, perhaps the verb “pleasure” to qualify this typical cat attitude is a purely human judgment. Yet when we see them in action, there doesn’t seem to be any doubt about it, they just seem to get pleasure from seeing things fall to the ground.

Nor should we forget that felines are very curious and when they explore the objects they find along their path, it is possible that they throw them on the ground.

Cat behavior scholars have looked for some answers to this habit. If you keep reading, then, perhaps you will find the answer you have been looking for so long.

Cats, born hunters

A primary cause of cats’ habit of throwing things on the ground seems to be their hunting instinct, which does not cancel out even though your pet has food provided and leaves little or nothing from home.

If you have had the opportunity to observe a cat when it catches a rodent or a bird, you will have noticed that it does not eat it right away, in fact sometimes it does not even want to eat it. In any case, however, it certainly will not stop manipulating its prey with its paws, as if it were a game.

It is therefore not strange to think that a cat that spends its life in the home puts into practice its hunting skills with the different objects of the house it encounters along its path. And if these objects are located high up, there is a high probability that they will end up on the ground.

Boredom among the causes of why cats like to throw things on the ground

A second reason to consider for explaining this feline practice is boredom.

We have already mentioned feline curiosity and if we add to this that your pet spends a lot of time alone or is not given enough attention, it will most likely try to entertain itself with the various elements of the house at its disposal. There is no doubt, in these cases there is always the possibility that some object will fall and break.

It is therefore advisable to find ways to entertain your pet beyond the precautions you should take to prevent valuables from disintegrating on the floor.

If you can’t spend much of your time playing with your cat, offer him a large amount of safe toys. Nothing will guarantee that the cat will prefer them to the elements you want to preserve, but at least you will try.

Another alternative is to find him a feline playmate. However, there is also a risk that the number of destroyed objects will double. That’s right, cats are unpredictable and that’s where part of their charm lies.

A “destructive” way to attract attention

You also have to think that cats don’t like throwing things on the ground for no reason. Maybe it’s a good way for them to get their master’s attention.

Think of it this way: if the first time the cat threw an object you ran to see what happened, your pet has every reason to think that if he repeats the action, he will get the same result, which is to obtain immediate presence. of the master.

Remember that cats are very intelligent and observant animals. As far as possible, therefore, dedicate a large part of your time to pamper them and play with them. Maybe you will avoid breaking a lot of objects in the house. Perhaps.

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