What To Do If The Cat Does Not Eat?

What to do if the cat does not eat?

It is often joked that cats are quite picky when it comes to choosing what they eat. However, if a cat is not eating, there can be quite serious problems that can seriously affect health. As an owner, it is essential to learn to distinguish whether your pet needs some kind of treatment or not, and thus avoid harmful consequences for its life.

Why isn’t your cat eating?

If you feel that this unusual behavior may be related to the causes listed below, you will want to act as soon as possible and prevent your pet’s health from being compromised.

  • Possible disease. Loss of appetite is usually a bodily response to an external pathogen. A bacterium, virus or parasite can cause a response from the animal’s immune system.
  • A recent vaccine  can lead to an adverse reaction in the cat and make him stop eating for some time. Vaccine-related symptoms usually don’t last long and are generally mild.
  • A trip, a move or being in a strange and new environment can surprise the cat and lead him to change some of his habits. Cats are pets that love routine and familiarity, so don’t be surprised if a drastic change affects their appetite.
  • Psychological problems. In the event that the vet has ruled out a physical problem, you may be faced with a symptom of anxiety or depression. As we have already said, cats are very sensitive to changes and can be influenced by new situations or by unknown people.

Long-haired cat while feeding

However, perhaps your cat has temporarily stopped eating for a less worrying cause, such as a mild mouth infection or a hormonal change. He may also  be fed up with a food that is unappetizing and monotonous. After all, cats are carnivorous animals, they love to hunt and above all they are lively.

The cat does not eat: health problems

The most important thing, once you discover that your four-legged friend no longer eats as before, is to reverse this behavior as soon as possible. The goal is to prevent this from having serious consequences on your health.

A cat that stops eating is obviously forced to use its fat reserves for energy. For this reason, the liver will have to process what it has already stored, attacking, in particular, certain amounts of proteins.

Rapid weight loss will support additional pressure on the liver, which can lead to conditions such as feline liver lipidosis .

This disease usually develops especially in obese cats who fall into long-term anorexia due to stress. Faced with this situation, fatty acids that reach the liver increase, which can be severely damaged.

Veterinarian takes care of a cat

What to do to get the cat to eat?

Considering that a prolonged period of starvation can have devastating consequences for your cat, the first thing to do if you notice that the situation is not improving is to consult a veterinarian.

If the loss of appetite turns out to be related to a disease, you may want to devise a doctor-supervised diet designed to attract the cat’s interest and restore the desire to eat. Canned foods, for example, may appeal to you more than usual food.

If your cat does not have any type of disease, it is advisable to take certain measures to get her attention. For example, some foods like liver or tuna can easily whet your appetite.

It is also possible to provide your cat with medications that encourage food intake, although these should only be used in extreme cases. And remember: always and only under the prescription of a veterinarian.

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