Why Do Dogs Tend To Scratch Their Kennels?

Pet behaviors grab our attention, but there is usually a biological explanation behind them. Dogs that scratch their bed before bed are no exception.
Why do dogs tend to scratch their kennels?

Dog behavior often amazes us. Some habits, such as scratching the bed, are related to the sleep routine. In reality it can be said that they are inscribed in their DNA, as a sort of ancient custom, handed down by wild dogs that dug the ground to build their own kennel and feel protected.

Domestic dogs certainly don’t need to build a kennel in the ground to rest. So why do dogs scratch the kennel? In this article we will try to discover the origins of this so peculiar habit of our pets.

What brings dogs to scratch the kennel?

Like humans, dogs have their own rituals before bed. This is the main reason they take so long to lie down and fall asleep. First of all, they must properly prepare the kennel, according to some principles, such as:

The instinct that leads them to scratch the kennel

As already mentioned, domestic dogs are evolutionarily related to coyotes, wolves and foxes. Each of these wild animals dig burrows to raise their young.

Although the dog is in a comfortable and protected environment, it will still tend to scratch the kennel where it sleeps. In large part, it could be due to instinct, which prompts him to soften or shape the pillow.

Many inherited behaviors do not have a specific meaning in the domestic life of our animals, but they do if we contextualize them in nature: in fact, nothing happens by chance in animal behavior.

Dog lying on a bed.


Just like their wild relatives scratch the excavated area to fit their body, dogs have also maintained this habit. This way, they make their bed as comfortable as possible.

Dogs have curious rituals to soften their sleeping area. Among these is that of turning over on the pillow several times or even hitting it with the head.

Other times, it is as if they make a kind of nest, collecting leaves or moss and bringing it to the kennel. This could be a clue that you need to add another blanket or pillow to see if that’s what she needs.

Scratch the kennel to mark the territory

One of the characteristics of dogs is that they are very territorial animals. For this reason they show a characteristic behavior and tend to mark the territory, that is, to claim all those spaces that belong to them. Although the most common form of marking territory is urine, they can also scratch the bed.

The reason for this behavior is that dogs have sweat glands on their paws, which release odor, with which they mark their sleeping area.

Check the temperature

Another explanation for dogs scratching their kennels could be due to the temperature. It is more common if the animal sleeps outside the home.

Do you think that some dogs prefer to dig a den to sleep, even if they have a nice doghouse waiting for them. The goal behind this behavior would be to try to adapt to the climate, both to warm up and to cool down.

Try to get our attention

If we pay attention to him when the dog scratches the kennel, he may take it as a reward. In this way, it is possible that the dog has understood that this behavior is positive.

For this reason he will tend to repeat it when he wants to be observed by the master. If he does this from time to time it is not serious, but if it is habitual, you need to ask yourself if there are any emotional or interaction problems with the animal.

Dog sleeping on the sheet.  Scratch the kennel.

What to consider?

Scratching the kennel doesn’t have to be bad behavior. However, a number of factors need to be considered:

  • Some breeds are more likely than others to do this. Among these breeds are terriers .
  • This behavior may have been copied from other dogs. In fact, puppies tend to mimic adult dogs to integrate into the group.
  • It could be a sign that the dog needs more attention. If he starts scratching carpets or blankets, try to get him to stop.
  • To let him vent, physical activity is excellent, because it consumes a lot of energy and he will be tired of scratching the bed.
  • If your pet has a kennel suited to its size and needs, it is less likely to engage in this behavior. Today you can find various models that adapt to the size of each animal.

Ultimately, dogs scratch their kennels by instinct – it’s a behavior they acquired from their non-domestic ancestors.

Therefore, it is a very common behavior among our pets, which should not be worried about. However, it is necessary to observe if it is accompanied by other suspicious behavior. In this case, it is always necessary to consult a specialist. Your vet will be able to adequately inform us on how to proceed as appropriate.

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