Police Dog Retires

Police dog retires

There are dogs that have marked history and our lives. Some more personally lives than those they have helped. Ever since dogs have been used as service animals, they have shown abundantly that they are worthy of honor and thanks for their excellent work. For this, today we dedicate our article to police dogs. 

For this reason, but not only, we love to dedicate our space to those who have dedicated their lives to helping others. This is the case of Danko, one of the first GEO dogs (Special Operations Group, elite unit of the Spanish police). He has now retired after a life of self-denial and sacrifice. We tell you its story.

Meet Danko: one of the first police dogs

Danko, like most police dogs, is a German Shepherd who was recruited four years ago. He was 5 years old when he was trained to carry out rescue operations.

We do not know for sure which family Danko comes from, if he is the son of other police dogs, if he was adopted for the occasion or if he was handed over to the police by his owners. In any case, he was one of the first Spanish police dogs who shone with intelligence and perseverance, qualities that earned him third place.

He took part in very dangerous operations, in the search and neutralization of criminals, as well as in the search and rescue of missing persons. His work has been excellent, but now, after 5 years of service and 9 of age, it is time for Danko to retire.

After that, however, a problem arises. Police dogs have no family or home to stay in. For this reason, when they retire, they need someone to adopt them.

We are pleased to tell you that Danko has already been adopted, after the realization of a campaign in his favor, also sponsored in the “Amore perrunos” (canine loves) section of a well-known Spanish television program called El Hormiguero .

Like Danko, however, there are dozens of animals who have dedicated their lives to a country and then found themselves practically on the street. What happens to them?

4-legged heroes: a good initiative

cane poliziotto e addestratore
Source: www.elconfidencial.com

Even if some police dogs are adopted by a human police officer, there are cases where this is not possible. Maybe you already have other dogs or some family member is allergic or has moved elsewhere. In short, there can be numerous situations that make it difficult to find a home for these animals who have offered their lives in the service of the security of the countries in which they live.

Following this, a group of 10 Spanish policemen came up with a great idea to help all police dogs, firefighters or any other retired service.

The initiative is a program that has been running for some years now and is called Heroes on 4 paws. It encourages the adoption of these animals. It is not easy, as these dogs are usually no longer puppies; however, the initiative is proving successful and many of these dogs have been adopted thanks to it.

Danko is just one of them.

Why adopt a retired police dog?

The reasons are manifold. We list some of them:

  • He is sociable.  You have to think that these dogs have been surrounded by people all their lives. They know how to distinguish between good and evil and are loving and selfless.
  • He is highly disciplined. Becoming a police dog isn’t easy. The trials to be overcome are tough and require great mental strength and perseverance. Consequently, with one of these animals you don’t have to worry about peeing in the house, tugging on the leash when you go for a walk, etc.
  • He will be an excellent guardian. He’s already used to this, so there will be no better housekeeper for your home than a retired police dog.
  • He will lay down his life for you, he  is trained for that purpose. Its loyalty is higher than that of other dogs. If he sees you in danger, he will help you even if his life goes away.

As you see, these dogs do a great job and there is no better way to repay them than by giving them a home when they need it. Would you like to adopt one? Do not forget to visit the page of the State Police where there are advertisements of police dogs looking for a house.

Source of images: www.elconfidencial.com

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