Hemp Seeds: What Benefits Do They Have For Pets?

Hemp seeds contain properties that can improve your pet’s health. Find out which ones are here.
Hemp seeds: what benefits do they have for pets?

Awareness of pet care at home has inevitably led to growing concern for the proper nutrition of those living in our homes. Among the tide of new food supplements for animals, one stands out above the others: hemp seeds.

Traditional pet medicine has experienced a renaissance in recent years, but always from an analytical point of view and basing the results on demonstrable facts. If you are looking for new ways to keep your pet healthy through natural products, these seeds are very useful. Know all its attributes here.

What is hemp?

Hemp is a plant belonging to the Cannabis family . Sativa. L , grown mainly to obtain raw materials – fibers and cellulose, among others. Hemp seeds are edible and are considered a superfood, thanks to the large amount of nutrients they contain.

In any case, we underline that hemp should not be confused with marijuana: although they belong to the same family, they are 2 cannabis varieties that have been isolated and selected over many years in a different way. Marijuana is not grown to obtain raw materials, but rather to enhance the psychoactive effect in the body of the user.

Are hemp seeds good for pets?

What are the benefits of hemp seeds?

It is increasingly common to find hemp seeds in the diets of humans and animals. This is due to the large number of benefits they have for the body, as studies indicate. Here we show you some of them:

  • They are an excellent source of fiber: 3 tablespoons of these peeled seeds contain about 1.2 grams of fiber. Fiber is very useful for improving the functioning of the intestinal tract, as it encourages the growth of symbiotic bacteria in the body (microbiome).
  • They have a high percentage of vegetable protein, 25% : this represents 25 grams of protein per 100 grams, equivalent to that of meat and fish. In addition, they are easily absorbed and strengthen the immune system.
  • They contain a balanced ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids: studies claim that the consumption of omega-3 implies lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood, regulation and normalization of fat metabolism, reduction of insulin dependence , an increase in the general metabolic rate and a significant anti-inflammatory action.
  • They are an important source of minerals, in particular potassium – important for muscle and nerve functions -, magnesium and phosphorus – calcium absorption, metabolism and hormonal functions.
  • Hemp seeds also contain B vitamins – folic acid, thiamine and riboflavin – and vitamin E. These micronutrients are essential for proper protein absorption and antioxidant activity.

    Growing hemp, on the other hand, consumes very few resources: it requires less water than other food supplements and does not need pesticides or fungicides to grow. It also improves the substrate for subsequent crops and can hold 4 times more carbon dioxide than other vegetables, which helps regenerate oxygen in the air and reduce damage caused by the greenhouse effect.

    Can pets consume hemp seeds?

    As you can see, consuming these seeds regularly has important benefits for the body. But is this also the case for cats and dogs? The answer is yes, and then we’ll show you why.


    The main contribution of this food lies in its proportion of fatty acids. The body of dogs does not produce Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids, so it is necessary to provide them in the diet. Hemp has a very healthy relationship between the two, which guarantees its correct absorption in the digestive system of the canine.

    These seeds also contain gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which is essential for joint health and other vital body functions. This property is particularly useful for puppies, as it may aid in the growth and maintenance of their immune systems.


    The oils that these seeds contain will be helpful in keeping cats’ coat and skin healthy and shiny. However, being strictly carnivorous animals, cats are unable to metabolize fats of vegetable origin. If you’re looking for healthy lipid sources for them, ideally they should be animal-based.

    Other pets

    The Hemp in Veterinary Medicine: From Feed to Drug study , published in the journal Frontiers in Veterinary Science, explored the effects of supplementing the diet of other animals with hemp seeds in the human home environment. Here are some very interesting findings:

    1. Laying hens gain considerable weight when hemp seeds are added as a component of 10-20% of their feed. It is a nutritious food that allows the development of the bird with less consumption of processed feed.
    2. Cows that consume hemp seeds appear to produce more milk, but only when the ingredient is present in specific preparations and concentrations.
    3. It is also believed that chickens can lay more eggs with this supplement or that goats produce more milk. In any case, all these postulates have not been empirically verified.

    A cat with a hemp leaf.

    The benefits of hemp seeds have been studied primarily in companion animals – though not so much in exotics – and for breeding operations. Being an emerging trend in the world of nutrition, the last recommendation will always be to consult your veterinarian before adding any new items to the diet of dogs or cats.

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