How To Keep Your Dog Calm

How to keep your dog calm

It is never easy to have a pet. Keeping a dog indoors can be difficult, especially if they have a very active temperament. So here is an article dedicated to how to keep your dog calm. We will see a number of methods to calm your four-legged friend. So you can improve coexistence and both feel good.

The tricks to keep your dog calm

There are methods that may seem trivial to you but, in general, you only need affection and patience to be able to keep your dog good. To help you reassure and calm the dogs in your home, we have prepared a list of 8 top tips for you. They will be useful to ensure that your four-legged friend remains calm throughout the day.

1. Positive reinforcement

How to keep your dog calm

Whenever your dog does something good or correct, it’s a good idea to reward him. For example, if he is sitting quietly next to your feet, caress him and talk to him softly. Do not shout or shout imperative orders to force him to do what you want. Use dog treats or treats to constantly improve his way of acting with you, with others and in the environment.

2. Work using the “lying” command

If you get your pet used to keeping calm and quiet at home, you can count on a quiet atmosphere, without anyone knowing if you have a dog or not. This is a command that needs to be worked on very patiently.

Once you have taught it, you can play with it. Work with the “lie down” command when you have guests in the house or, on the street, if you need to do something or say hello to someone. In this way, you will establish in the animal the concept of tranquility  which is activated at a precise command.

3. Use a low tone of voice

The words you use are not important: the dog cannot understand you. Instead, the key to communicating with your pet lies in the tone used. To make your four-legged friend respond positively to commands, you need to learn to speak slowly and sweetly. You will prevent him from thinking that it is an order, moving his nature of fidelity and obedience. Use moderate  hand signals to distinguish them from harsh ones, instead use if he misbehaves.

4. Don’t reward agitated behavior

If your dog appears nervous or excited, the first goal is to calm him down. That is, do not continue or increase his level of emotional stress. A typical case is when you come home. The animal will run to the door, ready to jump on you, barking and moving with excitement. Pretend nothing, no eye contact, no caress: avoid it. Let a few moments pass and as soon as he has calmed down, greet him normally and play with him. This way he will learn to calm down, knowing that it is the only real way to get your attention and, even better, your cuddles.

5. Play or train him when he is calm

If you have decided to try a new game or want to teach your dog something nice, avoid moments when he is nervous or agitated. In order to be successful and, above all, to guarantee you his full attention, it is best to choose moments of tranquility. He will be more sensitive to commands and more receptive to the teachings you want to give him.

6. Get to know your dog

How to keep your dog calm

Usually, dogs don’t like loud noises. We are talking about thunder, firecrackers, sirens, screams… Both because, by nature, they pick up such sounds with greater power and in advance, compared to humans. Then because, not knowing their real origin, they are frightened. Never scold your dog if his nervousness is caused by fear or stress. On the contrary, learn to understand when he is suffering from something and calm him down, letting him know that you are there for him, willing to protect him.

7. Massages

Although it may seem strange to you, many dog ​​owners are very happy with the massage technique. They work perfectly to relax even us humans. It is therefore logical that their positive effects favor a state of calm in the dog. There are various types of massages that you can give your four-legged friend. The most suitable areas are the abdomen and the chin.

8. Build trust

It is very important that your dog confides in you. A fundamental advice for those who have welcomed a more problematic dog into their home. For example, a dog that comes from a kennel or that has had a turbulent past. Once you have gained their trust, with the necessary affection, attention and respect, it will be much easier to keep your dog calm.

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