How To Talk To Your Pet

How to talk to your pet

Skeptics persist in believing that pets understand nothing of what we tell them. However, scientists continue to try to explain what communication between different species is. For this reason, a study has now been carried out to explain how you should talk to your pet. In case those who love and take care of their animals still do not know.

Scientific studies confirm that dogs understand everything we tell them

No scientific research is needed to confirm that our four-legged friends understand everything we say. Just live with them.

But scientists insist on agreeing with us animal lovers. So, in addition to confirming that yes, our furry friends know very well what we are talking about, now science tells us how we need to express ourselves so that they understand us even better.

Or at least, this results from a study conducted by the University of Lyon (France), and which was published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B, which focuses on how we should talk to dogs.

How to talk to your pet to get more attention

As the professionals explain, when we humans communicate with dogs, we do it very differently than we use to communicate with people. With them, in fact, we use the so-called “language addressed to dogs”.

What does this way of speaking to your pet consist of? Mainly in the fact that we modify the structure of the sentences, making them shorter and simpler. We also use a higher pitch of voice. Ultimately, we do something very similar to when we communicate with a small child.

This question is undoubtedly linked to the fact that other research has found that dogs’ intelligence is very similar to that of a 2-year-old.

What did the study on “dog language” consist of?

According to this recent study, by addressing puppies with a higher-pitched voice than usual, we are able to attract their attention more. In this way, therefore, it will be easier to educate them.

To reach these conclusions, participants recorded habitual phrases that are usually said to dogs while looking at photos of other dogs of various ages. Eg:

  • Hello Beautiful!
  • Come here!
  • Who is a good child?
  • Very good!
  • Like this!

Scientists found that people spoke differently if they were speaking to an adult animal, a puppy or an elderly animal, or if they didn’t look at any images.

More details of the research on the best way to communicate with dogs

talk to the dog

The experiment then continued with the analysis of the behavior of the dogs. They made them listen to the recordings made by human beings.

In doing so, they noticed that the puppies had a stronger reaction to people’s phrases while looking at images of dogs.  These expressed themselves by barking.

On the contrary, the adult animals were more indifferent. This could be explained by the fact that dogs show less interest in the voices of strangers as they get older.

However, when using language aimed at dogs in face-to-face communication between a person and a furry dog, animals appear to respond at any age.

And what’s the best way to talk to your cat?

The study says nothing about how to talk to cats. So, for the time being, we will continue to use the way that gives us the best results.

Do you have a special technique for speaking to your pet?

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