An Abused Dog Becomes A Social Worker

An abused dog becomes a social worker

The immense love that dogs can give to humans is revealed, once again, in the story of Tango. Despite being abandoned and abused, this dog has become a social worker in recovery therapies for children and the elderly. Let’s find out its history together.

From abused dog to social worker

Today Tango is one of the strengths of the Red Cross in El Camp de Morvedre, a small town near Valencia, Spain. Leaving his past behind, he participates in the assisted therapy activities of the center. The dog is taken every week to various hospices and participates in school-type courses. In short, it helps the elderly and children who suffer from particular diseases or who need school support.

Photo: Facebook of the Red Cross of El Camp de Morvedre

The goal of using dogs in these assisted therapies (or pet therapy ) is to:

  • Freeing the elderly and children from conditions of isolation, helping to increase the capacity for socialization and integration.
  • Encourage the elderly to perform movements and exercises that are essential to prevent physical deterioration.

This is how Tango offers therapeutic help

The contribution that Tango offers, every day, to this type of therapy is truly fundamental. Every week, children and the elderly look forward to the arrival of their special four-legged friend.

This cute, sweet and very affectionate little dog, from day one, managed to win everyone’s love and trust. A fundamental aspect to ensure that the therapies are effective.

What is striking, even today, is how it is possible that a dog that has been abandoned and mistreated by man is able to get back to his side, to help him and give him an excellent therapeutic contribution.

Tango was abandoned five years ago. Anyone who found it, on the streets of the city of Sagunto, remembers that it was reduced to poor conditions. Dirty, hungry, hurt. Yet now he is one of the heroes of the Valencian Red Cross volunteers. An aspect that must make us reflect and deeply.

Dogs help fight the isolation of the elderly and children

The Red Cross decided to promote this dog assistance program to combat a major problem. We are talking about isolation, the loneliness that seriously affects most of the elderly.

Similarly, these therapies have proved to be very effective in treating children with autism or who have difficulty in relating. There are many who end up playing alone even at school, during recess.

The affection and joy that Tango can offer goes beyond human words. Where traditional therapies fail, the contact, closeness and spontaneous attitudes of the animal rebuild the sociality of the human being.

Without forgetting that Tango’s skill also touches more practical aspects. Like, for example,  the mobility of people who, thanks to him, can start walking and exercising again. It greatly improves the physical health of those who, due to age or illness, are not motivated to move alone.

Dogs and social assistance: a truly commendable help

Photo: Facebook of the Red Cross of El Camp de Morvedre

To understand the importance of dogs in assisted therapies, it is worth remembering the benefits of these programs dedicated to young and old:

  • They improve motor skills and balance.
  • They increase the degree of verbal interaction of people.
  • They help to increase attention, concentration and memory.
  • They raise self-esteem.
  • They allow an improvement of expression skills.
  • They reduce anxiety.
  • They fight the feeling of loneliness.

Beyond specific therapies, getting a dog into our life is one of the best things that can happen to us. Don’t you agree?

Photo: Facebook of the Red Cross of El Camp de Morvedre

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