Is There Natural Chemotherapy For Dogs?

Before choosing this type of treatment, it is good to investigate and analyze the different options with the help of your veterinarian. Today we are going to talk about natural chemotherapy for dogs.
Is there natural chemotherapy for dogs?

Have you ever heard of natural chemotherapy  for dogs? Animals can also suffer from diseases common among people. The functioning of their organism does not differ too much from that of humans. For example, tumors are very common in pets. As a result, the cures and treatments are often the same. In this regard, today we will explain what natural chemotherapy for dogs is and how it works .

What is Natural Chemotherapy for Dogs

The term natural chemotherapy indicates a series of natural alternatives specialized in effectively fighting certain types of cancer. It does not necessarily involve a different version of “normal” chemotherapy. Indeed, it may include different methods and which can be combined or integrated, according to the different needs of the sick animal.

Chemical chemotherapy works starting from substances that make up a liquid that is applied intravenously to the patient, the natural one can be applied in various ways, but the final goal is always difficult to achieve. So, don’t expect ointments or miracle medicines: cancer is an often incurable disease.

How does natural chemotherapy for dogs work?

Acupuncture for Cancer in Dogs

According to traditional Chinese medicine, tumors are formed due to a block from the past which can be caused by several reasons. When this “barrier” is consolidated, it prevents the good circulation of blood and mucus, which accumulate in the tissues to create a swelling that gives rise to the tumor. And it, at times, can turn out to be of malignant origin.

Canine acupuncture

Once the blockage has been identified and the type of tumor deciphered, it can be eliminated through acupuncture. This therapy works by stimulating the body’s adaptive, homeostatic and immune system so that the body controls the tumor and not vice versa.

So it will be applied by treating some points and very specifically. Of course, to find out if your dog’s type of tumor can be treated with this technique, you should first consult your vet.

Anti-cancer nutrition

There have been cases when certain types of malignant tumors have been eliminated through a specific diet, designed to cope with this terrible disease. Although this form of natural medicine is designed to prevent evil (rather than to fight it when it has already “exploded”), it will allow to strengthen an immune system.

This defense is put into practice through various supplements such as, for example:

  • Vitamins and minerals. Among the vitamins are included those of type A, D3, C, E in addition to selenium, the most effective mineral against these evils.
  • Omega3 fatty acids.
  • Bioflavonoids. Although they can be found in some foods such as wheat or grapes, there are supplements that will allow you to offer the dog the necessary doses.
  • Amino acids. Arginine, glutamine and melanin have the ability to increase the function of the immune system, slow down cancer growth and fight cancer cells.

Homeopathy for dogs against cancer

Homeopathy is a treatment that is carried out with herbs and natural supplements, in order to achieve different goals. For example, slowing tumor growth, relieving pain, anxiety, or avoiding metastases.

Veterinarian treating dog with pads

In this treatment, the administration of all those supplements that can alleviate the suffering of your dog will be studied . Many vets specialize in homeopathy. If yours does not belong to this group, he will surely be happy to recommend a trusted colleague.

Although natural chemotherapy has sometimes given positive results, it is fair to clarify that it is not our intention to advise or persuade you to prefer one therapy over another. We limit ourselves to describing and introducing you to the different treatment options, because it is the owners who have to decide, with the help of doctors, how to deal with this delicate problem.

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