Diseases That Humans Can Transmit To Dogs

Diseases that humans can transmit to dogs

There is much emphasis on the pathologies that cats and dogs can transmit to humans. In fact, there are also many diseases that humans can transmit to pets. In this article we will talk about the dangers to which they are exposed in normal daily coexistence.

Diseases that humans can transmit to animals

In short, even humans can infect dogs and cats, often in a very serious way. It is right, therefore, to overturn the equation adopted so far and begin to understand the importance of protecting the health of these splendid four-legged friends, defending them from pathologies that can jeopardize their existence. Today, for example, it is well known that even these pets suffer from diseases considered ‘human’ : arthritis, diabetes, incontinence, intestinal problems, allergies …

Le malattie che l'uomo può trasmettere al cane
Authors: Christine and David Schmitt

They too live in a world full of pollution and stress. Consequently, for some years now, they have shared the same diseases with humans. It should be borne in mind that although animals must be vaccinated, there are not treatments for all viruses. Nor for some bacteria and microorganisms that mankind has already “defeated”.

In short, your dog or cat can get sick like normal people. They spend their entire existence in contact with people and their body is a real “sponge”. It absorbs everything that circulates around them. When you feel stressed, your dog surely is too… If you feel depressed, tired, listless… And so with each of the emotions you experience every day.

The dangers of human food

Nutrition is another factor that needs to be kept in mind. Each owner is responsible for the health of their pet. Giving a dog (or a cat) portions or leftovers of human food will carry a whole series of chemical elements into the animal digestive system that your friend is not used to. Dyes, preservatives, sugars … which, as in people, are contributory causes of even serious pathologies.

Be cautious when feeding your four-legged friend. A well-fed dog has a stronger immune system  and is able to resist the attack of viruses and bacteria more. Maximum attention to the food we give them.

By ensuring an adequate diet, you will avoid favoring certain diseases, such as obesity, diabetes or hypertension and all the unpleasant consequences that these entail.

From man to animal: influenza and tuberculosis

Among the most “common” diseases that a person can pass on to their dog or cat, we find tuberculosis. Although there are vaccines for humans that prevent their development and transmission, there are different types of tuberculosis that are very dangerous for animals.

Even the tapeworm can be transmitted to the animal, for example in the case in which it comes to breathe the bacteria suspended in the feces

Influenza is certainly the most easily transmitted disease from humans to pets. If you have a fever, you should try to keep your dog or cat away, to avoid possible contagion. It is a gesture of great responsibility to protect defenseless beings who are not worth making suffer because of superficiality.

Reverse zoonosis

This concept of transmission of diseases, from man to animal, is called “reverse zoonosis”. To make masters and owners aware of the risks of these infections, information campaigns are often promoted.

Some strains of influenza have evolved so strongly that they infect both people and animals. You will remember the recent pandemic flu, known as H1N1.

The first cases of the disease occur in pigs and birds. Then they move on to humans and, from there, to pets. The problem is that cats and dogs do not have adequate defenses nor vaccines exist to deal with this emergency.

So a simple cold can lead to death.

Diseases that humans can transmit to dogs

There are still few documented cases of reverse zoonosis, but it is a topic that is increasingly of interest to veterinarians around the world. Of course, the focus of general practice remains focused on the transmission of diseases from animals to people.

We reiterate a fundamental concept:  if you have the flu, keep pets away. You have an obligation to worry about the health of your dog or cat, especially vulnerable to respiratory diseases. Don’t sleep in the same bed or even in the same room until you are 100% healed.

In pets, flu symptoms are similar to those in people. So let’s talk about exhaustion, fever, lack of appetite and mood swings.

As we have seen, there are many diseases that humans can transmit to their dog or cat. Remember to always ensure a correct diet for your pet and to safeguard his health by moving away from him in case you are sick.

Main image: Alan Levine

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