How To Treat Fear Of Storm In Dogs

Although it is not known exactly why dogs react this way, it is believed that their developed hearing is at the root of the problem.
How to treat a fear of thunderstorms in dogs

The reasons why dogs are frightened by the noise of sudden atmospheric phenomena and their sounds, may be due to their highly developed sense of hearing, as well as to any trauma suffered in the past, which caused them to fear the storm.

If your four-legged friend is frightened by thunder and other sound and light manifestations generated by bad weather, this article is for you.

Find out how to treat fear of thunderstorms in dogs.

A common problem in dogs

It is estimated that as many as one in three dogs have this type of fear. An animal that gets scared in front of one


can react in several ways:

  • Hide
  • Cry, moan or bark
  • Tremble
  • Put the tail between the legs
  • Scratching furniture, doors or walls
  • Pee all over yourself

Although it is not known exactly why dogs react this way, it is believed that their developed hearing is at the root of the problem.

Certain insecurities suffered by the animal due to insufficient socialization or some trauma suffered as a puppy can also contribute. Either way, it’s important to try to fix your dog’s problem, otherwise it may get worse as your dog gets older.

Dog is afraid of the storm

Here’s how to proceed

The feeling of fear for the blizzard that dogs experience is identical in the case of fireworks. In any case, remember that it is important:

  • Provide a safe place for the animal, with food and toys. He could choose it himself by going under your bed, or in his kennel, carrier etc.
  • Don’t punish him. The only thing you will get is that the animal gets even more frightened and feels even more anxious, associating the storm with punishment.
  • Don’t pet him and don’t pamper him too much. Your dog may believe his attitude is appreciated.

Other tips to follow

Other actions to take when your pet is upset in bad weather are:

  • Close the windows to reduce the noise level that bothers them.
  • Turn down the volume of the television or radio, and possibly play some relaxing and light music.
  • Keep calm. If the dog sees you nervous, he will be even more anxious.
  • Play with him to distract him.

You could also use pheromones to reduce her stress. In any case, the most important thing is that you accompany him by showing tranquility and that you try to make him forget the reason for his fears, making him concentrate on something else.

Afraid dog

Solutions for fear of thunderstorms in dogs

In addition to the timely actions that can be implemented when the dog is scared of the storm, it is important to try to prevent the situation from happening .

First consult a veterinarian or an expert in animal behavior.

For your part, the aim is to make the dog lose sensitivity gradually in the face of thunder or other noises that frighten him. By doing so, he will get used to them and learn to think of them as normal. Arm yourself with patience and follow these tips:

  • Play the sound that scares him by recording, at low volume
  • In the meantime, try to distract your pet by playing with him
  • Slowly turn up the volume until the animal is no longer frightened

Even if you cannot eliminate this problem in the dog right away, by insisting you will see that little by little the dog will forget his fears and phobias. 

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