Introducing New People To Your Puppy

Introduce new people to your puppy

If you are the owner of a cute little dog that adores people, it will be very likely that the puppy will let himself be caressed by the people he is familiar with: gentle cuddles on the chest and hips, never on the head. But with strangers, things change: for this reason, in today’s article, we want to give some advice on how to introduce new people to your cane.Nonostante have a sociable dog is a good thing, certainly will not want to have to find an adult and large dog that squirms and jumps around the house every time someone he doesn’t know arrives : your dog will have to learn the rules of presentation from a puppy, so that he has the necessary time to get used to it.

Tips for introducing new people to your puppy

While it may seem rather radical, don’t allow strangers to feed your dog : if the animal gets used to this practice, it could start searching for food frantically, exposing itself to the risk of being poisoned.

The dog is able to learn, from an early age, to sit and calm when someone comes home to visit you, regardless of whether it is a friend with whom he is already familiar or someone he does not know.


Author: Jan Truter

It is normal for people to be more affectionate and outgoing with dogs when they are still puppies: this behavior, however, only makes things worse, since the dog gets used to greeting people very effusively instead. to learn to remain quiet and seated.

Don’t forget that you control your dog’s interactions and reactions, even when he stops. Give the commands calmly, without using harsh manners, to prevent your furry friend from going into confusion. Do things calmly and quietly, trying to convey positivity.

When someone comes to visit you, explain that you are teaching your pet good manners: tell your host what this process is about and show him the correct way to make friends with your four-legged friend.

Do not let them start playing abruptly or play power games : this would only serve to exalt your dog and give him the wrong idea of ​​who is playing with him and how to behave in the presence of other people.

Remember that your beloved quadruped will not remain a puppy forever : knowing how to maintain discipline and be consistent during your puppy’s childhood will be essential to make him become a well-mannered and balanced adult dog , who will not give you problems when he finds himself interacting with. other people.

If you do not want your dog to maintain negative behaviors when he grows up, know how to correct them in the bud, when he is still a puppy, and do not forget that educating him with clear and consistent orders and commands is the best way to make your little friend happy, because only in this way will the animal always know how to behave in every situation.


Author: Ana Fuentes

In search of a good example

It is not always so easy to make your little dog befriend other dogs, because not all animals are educated in the correct way and also because some adult specimens could frighten your puppy who, driven by fear, could run away and stimulate the another dog, unwittingly, chasing him.

We therefore advise you to observe the way in which both your puppy and other dogs react before proceeding with any attempt at interaction.

Always trust the body language of other dogs rather than what their owners tell you, as many of them tend to assume that dogs easily make friends with everyone. If you find that the dog in question is showing signs of aggression or getting too agitated, it is best to avoid getting too close to your puppy.

Unfortunately, a single accident is enough to mark a dog permanently and give rise to a fear or phobia in him towards certain situations or certain types of razz and, unfortunately, creating traumas that then accompany the animal throughout his life. Also, do not forget that fear manifests itself in different and unexpected ways: your puppy could, therefore, become aggressive, hide or avoid contact with other dogs.

The best thing you can do, therefore, is to let your puppy play with a dog you already know, trust, and can interact correctly with both animals and people. Since dogs learn through imitation, it will do your puppy good to be with a balanced and well-mannered dog – it will be the best way to teach him to behave the way you want.

Images courtesy of Michael Peligro.

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