The Cutest Polar Bear On Social Networks

The cutest polar bear on social networks

Is there anything more tender than a puppy? It doesn’t matter if he’s just lying down, moving his head, sleeping or just looking at us: it’s beautiful! And if we get a chance to see him do something for the first time, we may even get tears in our eyes from emotion. Although when we talk about a puppy, a dog may come to mind, today we are not talking about dogs, but about a polar bear.

The fact is that his first steps moved social networks; who could resist? Let’s start by seeing some curiosities about polar bears, to get to know them a little better.

The polar bear, a unique and special animal

As the subtitle says, if there is a special and unique animal that attracts attention and arouses admiration and tenderness from all, it is the polar bear. Its imposing appearance, the purity of its white fur and the funny character of its gestures mean that it is an animal that very few do not like.

In addition to all this, there are 4 curiosities about this specimen that we want to share with you, for information and, why not, maybe even to arouse some laughs.

Can swim for a whole week

Few animals, perhaps only fish, have the ability to stay in the water for a long time. And don’t think they dive in and stop there – they can swim for a whole week non-stop! Without sleeping, without eating. Incredible! They are said to be able to swim for distances between 30 and 100km non-stop, although there have been cases where they have swum nearly 300km, in exceptional situations.

For example, due to the melting of the ice and not finding land in which to rest. We also remember the story of a female polar bear who swam for 9 days with her young on her back, covering 687 km.

It is the largest carnivorous animal in the world

If we think of the largest existing animals, almost all of them are herbivores, such as the elephant. However, the polar bear is carnivorous and its large size makes it the largest carnivorous mammal on Earth.

This is because a polar bear can reach 3 meters in height and exceed 1000 kilos in weight.

His liver could kill you

Unfortunately, there are still Eskimos who hunt them for food and use all parts of the animal except the liver. Because? Because this contains a lot of vitamin A, which has terrible effects on our body, as it causes peeling of the skin, vomiting, bone pain and irritability.

It is not white

This seems like an illogical statement because even a child would say that polar bears are white. However, the fur of polar bears is colorless, which allows all flashes of light to reflect in it and reach the purest range of the mixture of all colors: white.

The cutest polar bear on social networks

And as an extra curiosity, in case you don’t know, we will tell you that polar bear cubs are truly adorable. One of them, who was born at the Toronto Zoo in Canada, became famous for being filmed trying to take his first steps.

The zoo staff wanted to help him get used to his habitat and let him go outside, putting him on the snow and waiting for him to start walking.

His verses, the difficulty in doing it and his innate beauty impossible to hide meant that his video went viral in a few hours. We share the video so you can understand why. Judge for yourself.

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