Why Does The Dog Follow You Everywhere?

Why does the dog follow you everywhere?

In the kitchen, in the bedroom, how much do you stretch the linen and, of course, when you go out on the balcony. Even when you go to the bathroom, your dog follows you. Anywhere, without ever giving up a moment, not even a second. As if the end of the world were imminent  .

If you have adopted a dog, you will surely have lived this experience more than once. Consequently, there is a question that, in this article, we will try to answer: “ Why does the dog follow you everywhere? “.

A dog that follows you everywhere

The most logical explanation comes from a scientifically proven fact. As the last heirs of the wolves, even the dogs feel inclined to be as close as possible to the  leader of the group. For them, therefore, you are nothing more than  the pack leader who will take care of the safety and survival of the other members.

Today, however, things have changed. The four-legged friends who watch television or football matches with you, run in parks surrounded by strange noises and all means of transport, no longer follow the ancestral practice of their ancestors. In reverse.

That's why the dog follows you everywhere

In fact, dogs choose to follow the person they find kindest. The one that will undoubtedly provide them with everything they need: peace of mind, security and love. These intelligent and highly sensitive animals are able to distinguish the intentions of human beings very well. That is, they will ignore those with a selfish character, feeling attracted to those with an open and generous heart.

Reasons why the dog follows you everywhere

At the base of this constant need for contact there is always and only one single feeling: love. Your four-legged friend wants to share every second of his life with you because he feels happy only in your presence.

Touching your leg, hearing the sound of your voice or even just noticing your unmistakable smell are factors that convey serenity and confidence. Your dog follows you constantly because:

  • look for your caresses
  • he wants you to say sweet phrases to him
  • wants to play with you

    It is a bit like when he sees you coming home: while your wife or children ignore you, the dog will run towards you full of joy and joy. As you well know, there are many ways in which dogs show their affection, although some may seem excessive at times.

    The dog also follows you for food

    Without a doubt, one of the triggers that leads your four-legged friend to  follow you everywhere is related to food. The dog associates the master with the pack leader, as mentioned before, especially in its most basic meaning: that of ensuring food for the group.

    For this reason, every time you move or sit down, you will find your dog friend next to you. He is there ready to fulfill every command and show you fidelity. But also with the hope  of grabbing a few bites or savoring the few crumbs that fall off your plate.

    But be careful:  do not be persuaded by your dog’s sweet eyes. Never give human food to your four-legged friend. Respect the instructions of the veterinarian, in the field of nutrition, you will protect the health of the animal, avoiding unnecessary problems and risks.

    Accept this boundless love

    Certainly, daily life and proper coexistence require the establishment of very precise limits and rules even for behaviors like this which, apparently, do not seem to grant a solution. It will be your task to develop a correct  socialization in the animal, both with people and with others alike, accustoming your four-legged friend to respect commands such as “quiet”, “this no” or “sit”.

    That's why the dog follows you everywhere

    If you notice excessive behavior, a good idea is to consult an animal behavior specialist.

    Also avoid leaving the dog alone for too long. An immeasurable attachment to the owner can denote psychological situations of discomfort, the result of a feeling of abandonment and loneliness. An aspect that can be easily improved, by dedicating more attention, going out and more time to play with your trusty partner.

    We have seen that a dog ‘s affection can be so obvious that it becomes, for some people, almost obsessive. If you are not someone who loves this type of constant attachment, perhaps it is better to think of another type of pet. However, if your dog follows you everywhere, it is simply his way of saying “I love you” and accepting it is the best gift you can give him and yourself.

    Source of the main image: Andrea Aguirre.

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