Otitis In Dogs: The Danger Of Summer

Otitis in dogs: the danger of summer

The summer months can pose a serious danger to your dog. Especially if you have a habit of washing it often. High temperatures and humidity can in fact favor the proliferation of bacteria. Like those responsible for the dangerous otitis.

Compared to the type of breed, we can say that dogs with longer ears are more vulnerable. This is due to a greater difficulty in areaing the inner areas of the ear where bacteria form. As this is a rather serious disease, it is of crucial importance to intervene in time on the animal. Here is some useful information and essential advice to protect and treat your dog from otitis.

What is otitis?


Otitis is inflammation of the ear canal that affects the dog’s ear, affecting the entire system and reaching the eardrum. A disease that becomes frequent in summer due to the increase in humidity but not only. Frequent washing can also accelerate its spread.

Animal hearing is normally divided into three zones. An external and visible portion (the ear), a protective zone (the middle ear) and the inner ear (consisting of cavities and auditory canals). This last part is the most sensitive: any damage can even affect the dog’s balance.

Causes of Otitis in Dogs

Usually, otitis results from the action of certain types of bacteria and fungi. These reach the middle and inner ear, causing it to become inflamed. The hot months and summer are the time of year when your dog is most exposed to this type of disease.

Moisture inside the ear creates ideal conditions to intensify the reproduction of viruses. Bacteria and fungi begin to invade the ear taking advantage of the humidity inside it. That is why it  is important to always dry your pet’s ears thoroughly.

Another type of otitis, quite frequent, derives from inflammation caused by foreign bodies. An ear, flower or plant residue, can easily slip into the dog’s ear and, after a few days, cause serious problems.

Big ears

Dogs that have larger and longer ears are the ones most likely to suffer from hearing infections. The internal ducts are more pronounced and intricate, making it more difficult for the animal to area these areas and keep them dry. From here, the sweat, humidity or water that remain trapped internally, become an ideal place for the reproduction of bacteria.

Symptoms of otitis

The best time to check your dog’s ears is during grooming. A healthy dog ​​has pale pink and odorless ears.

However, the first symptom that should alarm you is another. The presence of ear wax in the auricle area. From here it should then be easy to recognize a bad, sour and pungent smell. It is typical of otitis.

The inflammation we are talking about is the bearer of another, very evident symptom. Due to the presence of bacteria, the dog will notice some itching inside the ear. So, if your dog starts scratching his ears frequently, it is very likely that something is not going the right way. Otitis, infection or a simple foreign object cause pain that is often unbearable for the poor animal.

Faced with these obvious symptoms, you don’t have to waste time. Go to your vet as soon as possible and let him know of the problem. You will be given a specific treatment for canine otitis which you will need to start right away. The consequences of a superficial approach to the problem can be serious.

How to protect your dog’s hearing

Photo by Megan Coughlin

Here are some useful tips to prevent otitis in your dog. First, dry your ears thoroughly after each bath, even internally. You have to make sure that no water or humidity remains, ideal conditions for the proliferation of microbes. You can apply simple cotton plugs to avoid any problems.

To avoid the presence of foreign objects, such as ears of wheat or other, keep your dog’s hair short around the ears. Then, after each walk, make sure everything is normal and there are no remains of plants or flowers.

We have already told you that dogs with long ears are more vulnerable to otitis. If your dog has this physical characteristic, you will need to pay more attention to prevent hearing infections. Take care to check the state of his ears every day and, in case of doubts, do not delay to contact the vet

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