Beware Of The Violin Spider, Its Bite Is Lethal

Beware of the violin spider, its bite is lethal

Also known as the Brown Hermit Spider , this species of arachnid often hides in hard-to-reach places. Nestled between cracks in walls and behind furniture, the violin spider is considered one of the most dangerous in the world. Through its bite, this insect is able to spread a very toxic poison, capable of causing tissue necrosis.

Violin spider: habitat and characteristics

Its scientific name is Loxosceles Laeta , it is native to South America. It is found mainly in Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. Some specimens have also been found in the southern United States and Mexico.

As for the dimensions, it can measure from 8 to 30 mm with the legs extended. It has a stocky build and the females are larger than the males. Also, unlike other spiders, this species has “only” six eyes. Two, larger, in the front area and four on the side: this allows him to have a view at 300 degrees.

Thanks to its brown or dark earth color, it can easily blend into the environment. It has small spots on the sides and upper chest depicting a kind of violin. It is from this feature that it gets its name.

a violin spider walks among the brushwood

Behavior of the violin spider

Mostly nocturnal, this spider usually likes to hunt in the summer. Despite being active all year round, it reduces its activity in the colder months. It prefers dark, dirty and dusty places and leaves its nest only when it is hungry.

It is possible to detect the presence of a violin spider if you find exoskeletons left after moulting, which occurs three times, until the animal reaches adulthood. You will also need to pay attention to its irregularly patterned, ‘cottony’ looking canvas with a straight shape.

This spider is very fearful and tends to flee as soon as it senses any danger. Interestingly, it can reach a close speed of 15 km / h . If escape is your first defense weapon, its lethal bite deserves special attention. The venom of the violin spider is 15 times more toxic than that of the cobra and 10 times more powerful than a sulfuric acid burn.

In this regard, the bite of the brown hermit spider  is truly terrible. Its toxicity is so high that the liquid is able to dissolve the tissues, causing immediate cell death. The bite mark, which appears after four hours, causes itching and pain.

What to do in case of a bite?

To relieve symptoms it is essential to carry out specific first aid maneuvers : apply ice, put on a cold bandage, let the person lie down, wash the wound with soap and water. All while trying to  get to the hospital  as quickly as possible.

the violin spider on a wall

Treatment can include antihistamines, analgesics, or corticosteroids. It is recommended, if possible, to catch the spider or some other animal in the area so that the doctors can analyze and know what it is.

If done correctly, the effects of the poison can disappear within three days. Conversely, in the event of complications, the person bitten by the spider may show febrile attacks, kidney failure, hemolytic anemia, and acute tubular necrosis. The death rate is very high : we are talking about 25% of the victims.

It is worth noting that the inoculated poison does not generate immunity. Then, if the person is bitten a second time, they will again show the same or more severe symptoms.

Prevent the presence of violin spiders

A rigorous cleaning is the best way to prevent the development of the violin spider, especially in the most difficult areas to maintain: behind the tables, in the interspaces, behind heavy and large pieces of furniture, in the upper corners of the roof, between the wood accumulated … Use always gloves and a powerful vacuum cleaner when you are about to clean up the most complicated areas of your home. Getting in touch with a violin spider is the last thing you want to do.

Additionally, we recommend that you keep your home free from flies and other flying insects (which the spider feeds on). A good idea is to set up sticky traps and use common insecticides.

If you live in exotic areas, an effective solution is to free tiger spiders inside the house . We are talking about the main enemy and predator of the violin spider. It is harmless to humans and will quickly wipe out the threat of the very dangerous  Loxosceles laeta .

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