6 Tips To Make Your Dog Happy

6 tips to make your dog happy

It is said that dogs are man’s best friend and that they are willing to please us all the time. But are you capable of making your dog happy? Fortunately, this is not a difficult goal to achieve, so if you follow these 6 tips carefully, you will be able to have a happy, mentally stable dog with an iron health.

1. Pet your dog

Carve out some time in your day to spend with the dog, and make it a good time. Take the opportunity to caress him, hug him or give him relaxing massages on his legs and thighs. Dogs, especially those in old age, really like physical contact, especially if it comes from the person they love most.

Treating your dog lovingly is very important to his health, it will give him more confidence, self-esteem and considerably reduce the levels of stress he can accumulate.

Petting is also the quickest way to bond with your pet. A dog that allows you to get close to him and touch him shows that he has great faith in you and knows that you would never harm him. In particular, if he sleeps next to you or shows you vulnerable areas like his belly, his fudicia levels are very high.

2. Treat your dog with respect


Your dog, especially if you have had him since he was a puppy, will develop a bond of submission and trust towards you. Respect this condition and never abuse it, treat your dog with all the affection it deserves, do not isolate it, educate it correctly without using violence, allow it to be with other people and other animals, do not mutilate it for reasons aesthetic and nourish him adequately. You must understand that your pet is a living being that is totally dependent on you, and your attitudes can heavily affect the quality of its life.

3. Keep your dog active

Dogs are energetic animals and need physical activity. Spend a few moments of your day playing with your dog, for example throwing the ball, taking long walks in the park or taking him to places where he can run. This will be good for your pet, because the game stimulates his intelligence and the dog will be able to acquire skills and interact with different environments and elements.

4. Walks

Try to go for walks with your dog every day, you can go to the nearest park, take him to the beach or to the countryside. Any place where you can walk quietly and spend quality moments together: it is essential. Remember that the interaction with new spaces, elements and smells is very important for the proper development of your pet. This will increase his known universe and make him safer in the face of new experiences.

This is also a great way to stimulate his muscles, as well as strengthen his immune system. Keep in mind, however, that your dog will need to have finished the full vaccination course before letting him out.

5. Education


One thing that will greatly improve coexistence with your dog and make his life easier and happier is education and training. More than teaching him to do some games and some tricks, the training must be oriented towards learning a series of rules that indicate to the dog what he can and what he cannot do. In his education, you will need to include mealtimes, outings, spaces he can sleep in, objects he can play with, places where he needs to relieve himself, etc. 

This process will ensure that the dog adapts well to the house and avoids many problems, so dedicate the amount of time necessary to this moment.

6. Reward his good behavior

Stimulate your dog and make the education process easier by rewarding him for doing well. Whether with tidbits or with games and caresses, when your dog does something you asked him or responds positively to some of your teachings, congratulate him and reinforce this codotto by rewarding him. This way your dog will be more willing to follow your instructions and house rules .

As you can see, making your dog happy is nothing out of the ordinary. It only requires a little dedication and the reward will be being able to enjoy the affection and attention that your 4-legged friend can dedicate to you for a long time.

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