5 Tips For Leaving The Dog In A Boarding House

5 tips for leaving your dog in a boarding house

Sometimes, due to force majeure, you may be forced to leave the dog in a boarding house. The reasons can be many: work, travel, a family emergency … This situation obviously increases in particular periods of the year, such as summer. Apartments, residences and hotels, in general, do not accept pets. It also happens that traveling with a dog requires you to fill out a lot of paperwork, for which you don’t always have the necessary time.

For your peace of mind and that of your four-legged friend, the ideal is to leave it in a safe, clean and trusted place, where you are sure that it will receive all the necessary attention and care. So here are some practical tips to make this  temporary experience as pleasant as possible.

Tips for leaving the dog in a boarding house

If you are forced to look for a dog boarding house for your favorite pet, these five points will surely help you. Let’s see how to behave:

cani dentro la cuccia
Source: Happy Animals Club Facebook

1. Visit the dog residence

It is imperative to make sure with your own eyes that the place is suitable for leaving your pet. There are residences with very small cages, without enough space. Data to be taken into consideration for specimens of  large or medium tonnage.

The best thing is that you spend some time in the chosen residence, to get to know the place up close and understand customs and conditions. In this way you can check that everything is in order and working properly. From the hygienic-sanitary conditions to the atmosphere that reigns and the behavior of the pension managers. Steal with your eyes and, in case of any doubt or bad feeling, go elsewhere.

The guardians of the center will surely be trained professionals and animal lovers. But, since  not trusting is better, in some cases they may want to pretend to be nice when the owners are around. Have a look around and, if possible, connect with other clients of the residence. Any flaws will quickly surface.

2. Find out about the centre’s licenses and permits

Dog residences must have certain permits and licenses in order to operate legally. This documentation serves to guarantee normal safety and regularity conditions for all.

Be wary of pensions and residences that they do not own or do not want to show you their documentation. It is your right to protect yourself and to know who you are entrusting your dear pet to.

Another indication of the quality of the dog boarding you have turned to is in their handling of the newcomer. The best residences require some documents before your dog enters. It is a question of checking the state of the animal (which could infect other guests). If they ask you for medical documentation, vaccination cards, chip certifications  , you can be sure that your four-legged friend will be welcomed in a place where every detail is taken care of.

3. Don’t overdo the greetings

Your dog does not know that he is going to a residence, he has no idea that he will be there for a while, nor that you will leave him alone for a while. Remember, though, that dogs can sense your emotions.

You will have to avoid crying or being sad, in short, try to make the allonation as little painful as possible, masking the emotions. The danger of trauma and a more difficult separation from the animal will be averted. Also try not to correct him, raise your voice or scold him, as this will make him nervous.

Try to behave in a calm and natural way, your dog will benefit from it. Do not lengthen the moment of detachment too much, be affectionate but quick, without giving too much weight to the situation. Leave the dog residence in the normal way, without looking back. In short, the key word is to play down. The dog will think that it is a simple “hello” and not a more fearful “goodbye”.

4. Examine the pros and cons

When you decide to leave your dog in a boarding house, we advise you to take the time to find the best possible facility and then trust in its managers. Talk to people close to you, who may own a dog and who can recommend a good center. The opinion of several friends will be crucial to identify the solution quickly and, perhaps, without straying too far from the neighborhood.

dogs at the kennel

It is very useful to compare different residences, to see which one is most suitable. Make sure they have a veterinary service and that the standards of cleanliness are high. Lately, pensions are spreading that offer the use of a  webcam that allows owners to check, in real time, the condition and health of the animal.

5. Get to know your dog

Once you have made up your mind, it is good practice to inform the center about your pet’s habits, peculiarities and special needs (also in writing, if necessary). This way you can be sure that those in charge will take the necessary measures for your care. If your pet may have particular allergies or need to take certain medications, talk to your retirement vet.

Things to remember if you leave your dog in a residence

  • Dogs don’t conceive of time the same way humans do, and they don’t know how many days have gone by without their owner.
  • These beautiful animals live in the present. If the residence works well, he will not be sad or worried, he will simply think about playing and having fun with the other dogs housed.
  • They are not grudging animals. When you go to get him, he will be so happy that he will even forget that he was a few days without you.

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