5 River Fish From South America

These species are distinguished by their different shapes and sizes, and in some cases even by a somewhat scary appearance
5 river fish from South America

South America is a vast territory in which different landscapes and climates coexist, as well as species, such as river fish.

Today we will talk about some of the main South American river fish that you can find traveling from the Caribbean to Patagonia.

Let’s get to know some South American river fish together

The freshwater fish fauna of South America is very varied and generous, and it is worth remembering. In this article, we present five fish that inhabit the rivers of this part of the planet.

1. Arapaima

Also known as paiche or pirarucù, it is one of the largest fish in the world. It is found in the Amazon basin and can reach three meters in length and weigh 250 kilograms.

Arapaima – see image that opens the article – is an osteoglossiform fish, primitive and carnivorous. It feeds on other fish and small land animals that fall into the water, and is also capable of jumping for them.

Living in waters which, at certain times of the year, become swampy and poorly oxygenated; it also has the ability to breathe out of water, so bring its head to the surface. This exposes it more to hunting risk, since its meat is highly sought after by people living in this area of ​​South America.

2. Salminus brasiliensis

The Salminus brasiliensis is a great caraciforme fish. It can exceed one meter in length and 30 kilograms in weight.

It is found in tropical and subtropical areas, in the basins of the Paraná, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chapare and Mamoré rivers.

Golden fish

Also called damita or pirayú, it is a large predator and its diet is mainly based on other fish. It usually migrates along the rivers where it lives, while chasing prey and hatching eggs.

This fast swimmer, with its large scales, has the sad privilege of being the favorite fish for sport fishing. Its population has decreased significantly, despite the restrictions imposed in recent times for its capture.

3.  Pseudoplatystoma

The pseudoplatystoma is of migratory habits. It can be found in the waters of the rivers from Venezuela to the Río de la Plata, but its presence stands out, above all, in the Paraná River.

River fish

It belongs to the genus of freshwater catfish and to the pimelodidae family . It usually measures between 50 and 70 centimeters in length and weighs between 15 and 30 pounds. The two main species are the surubí taboo and the so-called “painting”.

It feeds on other fish, snakes and frogs. This, too, is an animal in great demand for its use in gastronomy and for sport fishing.

4. Creole trout

The Creole trout, scientific name Percichthys trucha  and also called small perch, is an endemic species in the rivers, streams and lakes of southern Chile and Argentina. It is part of the order of the Perciformes .

Creole trout

It is a fish that stands out for its respiratory resistance and its adaptation to salt water. It can reach 40 centimeters and weigh just over a kilogram.

Aquatic insects, molluscs, crustaceans and small fish are regularly part of his diet. But it is a coveted prey for sport fishing.

5. Piranha

Piranhas are defined as several species of fish of different types within the Serrasalminae family, which includes carnivores, omnivores and even herbivores. In general, they measure between 15 and 25 centimeters and are found throughout South America, with the exception of Chile.


These South American river fish have a bad reputation that doesn’t always coincide with reality. But the fantasy of being devoured in seconds by small animals with sharp teeth is not easy to remove from the head and the cinema has contributed enough to fuel it.

However, fatal attacks are not the norm and usually occur if piranhas feel threatened or food is scarce. They actually move in groups as a defense rather than attack strategy.

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