10 Reasons Why I Love My Dog ​​madly

I love my dog ​​madly … this is a phrase often spoken by those who have one. Having a furry friend is one of the things that make us happiest. There are many reasons we have to love our dog madly, but we want to list at least ten.

Perhaps you can tell us many others, but we are sure that you will feel identified by those featured in this article.

I love my dog ​​madly because …

Nobody makes me laugh like him

Even if you were living alone, with your partner or family when you adopted your dog, we are sure that your life has changed for the better. A dog, with its pranks and pranks, as well as with its imitations, makes us laugh like no one.

His optimism about life and his carelessness make us less anxious and happier.

His loyalty is infinite

Anyone who has a dog knows they would do anything for us without asking for anything in return. Dog loyalty is infinite. They would protect us by even risking their own lives. Who else would do it?

I can always count on him

Our dog is always by our side,  no matter if it’s a bad time. He does the same if we scolded him or got angry.

In any case, he will always be there. For this and much more, we can confidently say “I love my dog ​​madly”.  

Nobody kisses me like him

Dogs love to kiss, no doubt about it. Always and in any part of the body, they kiss us everywhere and at any time.

Nothing is better than receiving a kiss from the one we love.  

I finally have a playmate

Before you had a dog, your life was boring, we are sure. You now have a playmate, someone to walk around with and to encourage you to hang out.

Also, he has fun as much or more than you do, and that makes you happy.

I love being woken up by him

To be honest, in these cases there is a mix of emotions. Being woken up by your dog every morning is a demonstration of the interest and love he feels for us, but that he does it a few minutes before the alarm goes off is rather annoying.

However, you love to see him first when you open your eyes, you can’t deny it.   

I want to go home because of the way she welcomes me

It’s madness, you only went out to buy bread and when you come back he is as happy as ever to see you. It releases love and affection from all pores every time you come home, no matter if you’ve been out for five minutes or all day.

Who doesn’t like to be received gently and politely?

While it bothers me at times, I love seeing it invade my living space

He comes and lies down on me, he sticks to me when we are sitting on the sofa, he doesn’t just let me go to the bathroom… He pisses me off, but at the same time I love him!

Who better than him shows you how much he loves you?

It always puts me in a good mood

Dog empathy has no limits, and if they see us sad, they will do anything to change our mood. Nobody cares about us like they do and they prove it to us with all their actions.

I love my dog ​​madly because he is my friend and companion

This sentence certainly defines perfectly the relationship that each of us has with our dog. He is our pet, our faithful companion, our friend, someone who will never let us down and who we don’t want to disappoint in the world.

Do you feel the same?

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